Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Dear future me

Have you done all of those things that I keep putting off at the moment? Have you done any of them yet? Most importantly though, how's the book going. I say the book, but I'm hoping that I'm meaning the current book and you've actually written a few. I'd like to think that they were finished and published too, although it doesn't matter if they're not, just actually started, and finished, would be good.

Have you managed to do more sewing and making things for the kids? Now that they're all at school, have you put that time to good use and used it to make the things that I don't seem to have time for today. I hope that you're not wasting time doing nothing extra, that would be a shame. Unless of course the business is keeping you too busy, I suppose I couldn't really complain about that.

Are you swimming and walking regularly like you promised that you would? How's the yoga going? Managing to keep it up? Did you ever fit back into those jeans like you hoped you would. Either way, I hope that you've finally cleared out your wardrobe, there's really no need to keep hoarding those clothes you'll never wear.

How are the kids doing? Are you coping with older children and teenagers, or is it as scary as you thought it would be? Try not to stress about them too much, they grow so fast, and even though the teen years may be angst ridden, before long they'll be even older and leaving home. It was only five minutes ago they were small after all. I thought I'd include this photo of A I took yesterday, thought it might make you smile to remember how crazy she was when she was little.

Are you and M less stressed? Did you finally get on top of things, is life easier once all the projects were finished? (Please tell me you finished them finally!) Where are you living now? Are you happy there? Is it home?

Is there anything you'd like to tell me now, I hope that I'm not missing out on things or doing something that you regret. I hope that I'm making the most of life today so that you look back and smile. 

Most of all, I hope that you're happy and healthy, all of you. 

Take care

Today's me.

What would you write in a letter to your future self?

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