Friday 18 October 2024

Broome Enigma - Meryl Brown Tobin

On a working holiday in Australia's cosmopolitan Outback town of Broome in 1986, Jodie, a young book designer is open to romance and adventure. At the holiday village where she is staying, she meets Joe, a young man who works there. Despite the strong attraction between them, the many unknowns about his earlier life keep them apart. To try to uncover his mysterious past, they travel to Perth and back to Broome and are drawn into not only bizarre but also dangerous situations. Is Joe the person Jodie thinks he is, or is he some alter ego? Can she stop their relationship from developing until she knows whether he is free to love her?

My review

It's difficult to decide exactly what Broome Enigma is. There are romance elements here, but also a thriller. Joe is a handyman at a camp site in Broome. He seems standoffish with the two sisters who come to stay, but both find themselves immediately attracted to him. Older sister, Jodie, finds herself falling for this mystery man and while he at first seems to want to keep his distance from her, they soon become close. But, as they become close, she finds herself thrown in to the danger that is stalking him.

There were so many twists and turns in this book. we follow Joe and Jodie as they try to find out who is after Joe and how he lost his memory. As I mentioned there are romantic elements here, but I really don't think that romance is the main part of this story. It's more to do with the couple finding out what's going on and who is behind it all.

Jodie is a little wet at times, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the book. Perhaps a little less of the internal dialogue might have helped and sped things up a bit. This is a fascinating read as you try and find out where it's going, but it's not a fast-paced, edge of your seat one.

Overall, a good story with plenty to keep you guessing.


A big gust of wind rocked the van and flung Jodie

hard against Joe. He pushed her off.

“Joe, it’s me, Jodie! Wake up, wake up!”

“Jodie, is that you?” He threw his arms around her

and buried his head in her chest.

She brushed his hair back from his sweating face.

“Take it easy, Joe. Take deep breaths. It’s okay. It’s

going to be okay.”

He stopped shaking and pulled back from her.

“What’s happening?”

“It’s the cyclone. Don’t you remember?”

Another huge gust shook the van and sent Jodie

sprawling on Joe’s bunk and into the wall. “Ow, that

hurt!” She picked herself up and rubbed her head.

The van rocked violently again. Joe and Jodie

grabbed for handholds.

“Quick, come into my bed with me, Joe. It will be

safer there.” Tripping and feeling their way along the

wall, the two made their way to the double bed and

clambered in.

Her breathing coming in short spasms, she lay on

her back and took deep breaths. The storm whined and

screeched about her, and the roof creaked and scraped.

“Oh, my god, the roof’s going to take off any minute!”

Joe’s arms enveloped her. “Hush, everything will

be all right. But will you be okay if we have to make a

run for it?”

“Yes.” She let out a sob. “But I like our chances

better in here than out there.”

Joe kissed her forehead. He pulled her closer and

they lay locked against each other while the storm

raged around them.


Meryl Tobin, writing name Meryl Brown Tobin, is an Australian writer of short and long fiction for adults and children, non-fiction, especially on travel and the environment, poetry and educational puzzles. She has had 22 books published. These include puzzle/activity books, black-line masters books of educational puzzles, workbooks for primary students, a travel book, a children’s picture storybook, a poetry collection and a haiku collection with four other poets of The Society of Women Writers Victoria. She has also edited one book and co-edited two others. In total, nearly 300,000 copies of her first four puzzle books, which were published by Ashton Scholastic, were sold in Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Hundreds of her poems, puzzles, short stories and travel and other articles, and some cartoons and comic strips have appeared in more than 150 magazines, newspapers and anthologies in Australia and overseas, including India, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the USA. Some of her stories and poems have been broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Commission and other radio stations while others have been published on the Internet. As a guest on the set of Ch7’s children’s program The Book Place, she read her story LEFTY with regular presenter, Lynn Weston.


2.      Places selling ‘Broome Enigma’

‘Broome Enigma’ is on sale on about 40 websites in at least 16 countries including Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, The Netherlands, Switzerland, UK and USA, including : broome enigma and Broome Enigma eBook : Tobin, Meryl Brown : Kindle Store  (Australia).


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 Selection of readers' comments from - NOVELS

1.     Readers’ comments about ‘Broome Enigma’

A.    Felicia Di Stefano

Finished your book. Very much a page turner kept me up till 1.30 am one morning. 

Wow what a thriller. Would never have worked out the end!

B.    Chrissie Michaels, Australian author 

Congratulations on such a well crafted story, full of page turning suspense, fast pace and strong dialogue! I enjoyed the read immensely. 

C.    Michele Tobin

'Broome Enigma' takes the reader on a scenic, cultural and historic visit to one of Australia's fabulous, renowned destinations. As a backdrop to the novel, it is a perfect setting for an enigmatic storyline with its melting pot of characters to take form.... 

D.    Roberta Ashby

An easy read and the characters were great to follow. Just when I thought I’d sussed out a bad guy or two, I hadn’t so it certainly is not predictable!  Your research was extensive.

E. Anna Sput Stern, author and poet

Congratulations!!! Considering that the novel is written for young people, I admire the style fitting so well their personality. Many thanks for sending it to me; I’m going to treasure it. 

E.    Jill Sutton

Congratulations! I’ve just finished ‘Broome Enigma’. You are an amazing writer. I very much enjoyed joining all the characters in their exciting adventures. 

F.     Hartley Tobin

Because I’m familiar with Broome at the time of the setting of this story, I readily imagined the people in the various settings. When I got to the last four chapters I could not put the book down until I had finished.

G.   Lynette Burton:

I loved it; I was really sucked into the read. I read the first two chapters on Sunday but yesterday [Monday] I had to force myself to put it down to get my housework done. I finished the last two chapters in bed with a coffee this morning, I have not done that for years and it felt like a little luxury.  I am yet to visit Broome but it’s on my list and now when I do I will be able to reference all the true to life landmarks and history in your book all over again.

Can’t wait for the next one.

H.   Kathy McKean

I really enjoyed it. I found it easy to read; I am not fond of novels you need to over think to understand them. I was time poor when I got ‘Broome Enigma’ and felt frustrated every time I would see it on my bedside table. I managed to get one chapter read and couldn't wait for the next opportunity so I could continue. I had one morning that I had put aside to do housework but picked up ‘Broome Enigma’ whilst having my early morning cuppa; needless to say not much housework got done. 

 I liked the innocence of the main characters, the setting and the suspense and I always love a happy ending. I felt sad to finish the novel. I felt like I had lost some new friends that I had made and whose company I enjoyed. 

I.      Anonymous

Just as well...[for the ending] as the sexual tension had built up unbearably!!

J.     Janice Williams, author and poet

Congratulations to Meryl for her page turner, ‘Broome Enigma’. Having recently stayed in Broome, I found it was interesting to pick out the various features.

K.   Rose Chapple, author


I can imagine it as a movie or series, but I guess that's another thing altogether. I hope it's doing well, and that the American market is taking off. You might be personally responsible for an increase in tourism!

Well done again!!!

L.    Mervi Cahill

I really enjoyed reading 'Broome Enigma'. It was an easy read and you made the characters come to life. I enjoyed the inclusion of history and tourist spots as I haven't travelled there but could picture myself visiting the sights as I'm reading.  Congratulations on your first novel and hopefully not your last. 

M.  Eunice Frazer

Enjoyed your novel––well written, entertaining, interesting characters and plenty of action set against a beautiful West Australian landscape.  

N.    Gwenda Mathieson

I enjoyed your book so much so that I read it in two sittings, initially dipping in to it then sitting until I finished it.

I was happy that Jodie and Tiffany showed maturity as the story developed and particularly as Jodie felt that she knew Joe but needed to get to know....

 Now I look forward to the next book.  Is it already under way?

O.   Valwyn Beggs

I was transported into another world, the Broome Underworld, in your novel. What a thriller! So many twists and turns!

P.     Moira Wood

I love the cover of ‘Broome Enigma’ which is attractive to potential readers.

 As a once single and vulnerable person meeting a young man and having an instant attraction, but an unresolved feeling about his previous life, I could immediately relate to the main character Jodie. As events unfolded, the story became even more intriguing with ongoing sagas.

 A great read with lots of suspense and a beautiful ending.

Q.   Janne Morrison

I have just finished reading 'Broome Enigma' and absolutely loved it!!!  I could not stop reading it and was disappointed when it finished––I hope there is a sequel in the pipeline!! Such a great assortment of very relatable characters and plausible and fascinating storyline.  Totally unpredictable and so many twists and turns made it such very enjoyable reading - thank you!!!!

R.     Eric Hornsby

It gets into the story quickly and I love the way you get into the love story. It starts with a suggestion of a love story then the difficulty of mixed tensions, a man who is living like a tramp with no direction and then you have involved a doubtful group of characters of all types, suspect and otherwise....It has humour, fear and characters interacting. I thought it a very good story that was engrossing. It doesn’t waffle....It is a good read––about real life and real people––and one that will suit most readers.  It really is a thrilling read. Not to forget the humour you placed along the way. There is no doubt 'Broome Enigma' will appeal to most age groups.

S.     Annie Chisholm

This is a great read! I felt like I was actually there, in beautiful Broome.

The writer builds up the suspense as she develops the characters. The aftermath of the cyclone and the Festival of the Pearl and they are painted cleverly. I read the book to my husband and both of us enjoyed it thoroughly.

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